Yung is from Henan and has been teaching Chinese since 2013. She holds a BA from Guilin University of Electronic Technology and an MA from Guangxi Normal University.
How did you end up at CLI?
知道CLI这所语言学校并成为其中的一员纯属一个巧合:2013年五月的一天,阳光明媚,我带着我的狗在师大足球场散步。碰巧一群外国学生在玩飞盘,于是我的狗就加入了它们。我在旁边看他们游戏的时候,其中一位学生走来和我交谈。在交谈中我知道了他们是CLI的学生,并进一步了解到了CLI这所学校。回去以后我在网上搜索关于CLI的信息,碰巧又看到CLI 正在网上发布招聘信息。于是经过投递简历、重重面试,我顺利成为CLI的一员。
I learned about CLI serendipitously: On a sunny day in May 2013, I took my dog for a walk in the GXNU football stadium. I ran into a group of foreign students playing Frisbee, and my dog decided to join them. One of the students came to talk with me and told me about CLI where they were studying. When I got home, I searched for information on the Internet about the CLI, and I saw they were hiring Chinese teachers. After sending my resume and going through a heavy interview, I successfully became a CLI teacher.